Frequently Asked Questions



Q1. What is Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT)?

Both are security services that focus on identifying vulnerabilities in the network, server, and system infrastructure; Vulnerability Assessment focuses on internal organizational security, while Penetration Testing focuses on external real-world risk.

Q3. What is Penetration Testing?

It’s an in-depth expert-driven activity focused on identifying various possible routes an attacker could use to break into a specific network; it identifies the extent of damage and further internal compromise in case of a cyber intrusion.

Q5. How to define the scope for VAPT?

Any and all devices with an IP address can be considered for a VAPT activity. Penetration Testing should focus on the organization’s external parameters (IP Addresses, Offices, People, etc) and Vulnerability Assessment should focus on internal infrastructure (servers, databases, switches, routers, desktops, firewalls, laptops, etc).

If you would like help with identifying the scope for your VAPT activity, please get in touch with one of our VAPT Experts. and they would be happy to guide you through the process.

Q7. What are the major sectors impacted by cyber security issues?

Banking, academics, healthcare, realty, manufacturing, e-commerce, and government departments.

Q9. What happens if firms do not opt for IT security checks?

It results in data theft, information mismanagement, and bug infestation in case of sensitive Application.

Q11. What are the benefits of Cyber Insurance?

Cyber liability insurance policies are tailored to meet your company’s specific needs and can offer a number of important benefits, including the following:

  • Data breach Coverage
  • Business Interruption Loss Reimbursement
  • Cyber Extortion Defense
  • Forensic Support
  • Legal Support
  • Came across your profile on here.

For more information on Cyber Insurance, please connect with us.

Q13. What does Cyber Risk Insurance Cover?
  • Data Breach Coverage: Data breach is dependent on the kind of business a company is operating into.
  • Business Interruption Loss/Reimbursement: Business interruption or loss of revenue resulting due to a cyber-attack.
  • Cyber Extortion: Coverage including the cost of a professional negotiator and any payment made or any fund or property surrender intended as an extortion payment.
  • Forensic Support: Expenses related to the management of an incident – Legal and forensic services to determine whether a breach occurred and assist with regulatory compliance if a breach is verified.
  • E-Theft Loss: Loss as a consequence of having transferred funds or property or given any value due to the fraudulent input of data into a computer system or through a network into a computer system.
  • E-communication Loss: Loss occurring due to a customer having transferred funds or property or given any value on the faith of any fraudulent communication for which loss you are held legally liable.
  • Defense Costs : This cover available for costs incurred in defending any claim brought by a government agency or licensing or regulatory organization.

For more information on Cyber Insurance, please connect with us.

Q15. What is the difference between first-party vs. third-party cyber insurance?

First-party coverage is designed to lessen the financial impact on the company that bought the insurance (the insured). It covers data breaches and cyberattacks at your own business.

Third-party coverage provides liability protection in case the insured company makes a mistake that results in a client suffering a data breach or cyberattack. It’s a key policy for tech companies and IT consultants that could be blamed for errors that led to a breach.

Q2. What is Vulnerability Assessment?

It’s a rapid automated review of network devices, servers, and systems to identify key vulnerabilities and configuration issues; it is generally conducted within the network on internal devices and its low cost enables firms to carry it out as often as every day.

Q4. What are Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing (VAPT) deliverables?

Executive Report comprising a high-level overview of the activity conducted, a summary of issues identified, risk ratings, and action items. Technical Report containing a detailed report explaining each issue identified, step-by-step POCs for each issue, code, and configuration examples to fix the issue, and reference links for further details.

Real-Time Online Dashboard with an online portal that allows internal teams to monitor the audit progress in real-time, take immediate actions for high-risk issues, track fixes and closure status, etc.

If you would like some sample Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing (VAPT) reports, please get in touch with one of our VAPT Experts.

Q6. Why conduct VAPT?

Customer needs wherein clients mandate it as non-negotiable, compliance needs where statutory obligations play a major role, security validation as a pre-emptive measure, and as a critical best practice for organizational immunity from data theft.

Q8. What is the right time for security testing?

Ideally right before the release of an Application and once in a quarter for periodic rectifications if any.

Q10. What are the most reputed standards/certifications in VAPT?

Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing (VAPT) are largely mandated across various industries and sectors. There is a wide range of compliance standards that require such audits to be carried out periodically.

Some of the well-known standards are:

  • ISO 27002 / ISO 27001
  • PCI DSS – Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
  • HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  • TRAI – Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
  • DOT – Department of Telecommunication
  • CERT-In – Cyber Emergency Response Team of India
  • FISMA – The Federal Information Security Management Act

f you would like more information on Vulnerability Assessment or Penetration Testing, get in touch with one of our VAPT Experts.

In case you still have any doubts or clarifications, please email us your query and we would be happy to clarify.


Q12. How can a Virtual CISO assist your organization?

The vCISO serves your organization in all assurance activities related to information security, data security, and compliance. vCISO provides strategic oversight of IT Security, including strategic vision, scoping of requirements, design, development, implementation of IT Security and compliance solutions within your organisation. Assured deliverables where appliable includes”

  • Develop, implement and monitor a strategic, comprehensive enterprise information security and IT risk management program
  • Work directly with the business units to facilitate risk assessment and risk management processes
  • Develop and enhance an information security and compliance management framework addressing:
  1. A human resources Security program
  2. Vulnerability Monitoring and Management
  3. Data Classification, DLP practices
  4. Security Standards and Compliance Initiatives (ISO 27001, NIST, FISMA, PCI, SOX, SOC etc)
  5. Vendor Risk Management program
  6. Identity and Access Management

Audit and Assessments Management program


Q14.What is first-party cyber liability insurance?

First-party cyber liability insurance provides financial assistance to mitigate the impact of data breaches and cyberattacks at your small business. It covers the costs of:

  • Communicating with affected customers
  • Providing credit monitoring
  • Executing PR and reputation management campaigns
  • Other recovery activities
  • This policy is crucial for businesses that store sensitive client or customer information online, such as credit card numbers or Social Security numbers.

For more information on Cyber Insurance, please connect with us.


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